We imagined ourselves designing everyday objects in a World Without Colour.

The world consists largely of a vast, geometric aesthetic and a shared melancholic existence.

In reality, colour acts as the key driver in the functioning of traffic signalling. How might we accommodate its absence?

A research mind map investigating key elements that help describe the unseen role of colour in our daily lives.

Our final collection thoughtfully considers the emotional and instinctive reactions induced by their coloured sister archetypes in the real world.

Our first collection object, the Rotational Traffic Light, has the purpose of directing traffic in our monochrome world.

The die-cut holes reveal the light beneath to show different forms, visual rhythms and motions to create an overall emotional experience that corresponds to each signal.

The second object, the Moiré Traffic Cone, brings awareness of danger to passersby, similar to a neon orange traffic cone.

The pattern formed by the moire appears different as one’s perspective changes. Causing attention-grabbing visual movements based on an observer’s own movement around the cone.

Our last collection design is a series of gradual Speed Bumps that serve to replace yellow warning signages.

The bumps gradually increase in visual contrast and steepness along a gradient, gently nudging drivers to slow down.
Designed with Mervyn Chen & Clarissa Edeline Yu
Supervised by Olivia Lee